Saturday, July 12, 2008

Government Stimulus Check

Our government stimulus check came in the mail last week. I have been waiting for that check for a couple months now and I’ve been doing some planning as to what worthy project it should go toward. Last week my frugal husband got wind of the idea that I was planning some projects and would be financing them with the government check and he marched into the room where I was sitting and asked how much money I thought I would be getting of our $1,200 check and I boldly replied $600….duh! So after a tirade about me not paying in $600 worth of taxes, yada, yada yada…and I could think twice about that money with a daughter in college, yada, yada, yada, I am standing firm on this, and will pry my $600 out of his hands and spend it just like the President intended!

So how am I spending my hard fought for money? I found some very pretty purses on the internet and I’m having one made for me. As soon as I cashed my check I went to the mall. I have a weakness for the housewares department and I found myself in there looking at dishes and glassware. I found a very pretty set of 12 goblets and decided that they would make me feel great as well as make my table look good. I may even go back next week and get the matching wine goblets. (I only unpacked 4 of the 12 goblets so as not to startle my dear husband). I am also painting my bedroom furniture and well you know how that goes, a room starts out with a $24 gallon of paint and before you know it what started out to be a very affordable project has grown into a monster of a project! Anyhow, I’ll be doing a bedroom makeover with the remaining money.

How is everyone else spending theirs? Did you know there is a web site where you can go and let the whole world know how you spent your check. I might have to Google that to prove to my husband that a bedroom make over is definitely a worthy cause.


Gerry said...

You go girl!

Joan Fricker said...

Kay, it sunds like you gave a lot of thought to your spendings. Good for you! Our money got spent on a new roof. yuck!! But, it was very much needed. I certainly would rather have spent my money like you things.

Knitting Kris said...

Beautiful goblets. Glad you are enjoying them! I wish I had your energy to redo things in the house!

linda t said...

LOVE the goblets! You can't go wrong with them.
And btw, lovely pictures on your blog.
I hope to find a gate like yours from your last post... love the look in your garden!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

How lucky you are. I never got to touch my half. It went straight in savings. Argh!!!!